Imagine opening as many trades as you like with no risk of losing your hard-earned cash. Now you can. Starting today, never worry about losing on a position again when protecting your trades with AvaProtect.
The future in risk management has arrived! Today, AvaTrade clients can open positions while enjoying guaranteed protection against losses with its latest AvaProtect feature.
An innovative one-click risk management tool, AvaProtect is quick and easy to use: each time you open a position, simply define your desired period of coverage and apply protection for a modest fee.
Then, let the market do its magic and treat your new position just like any of your other trades. If your protection ends and you have an open position that’s losing, AvaTrade will simply reimburse your account. The only cost is the AvaProtect fee itself!
AvaTrade’s new and beneficial feature is part of the company’s ongoing strategy to put client satisfaction and success first. AvaProtect is available on the AvaTrade App that can be downloaded here.
One-Click Protection, Many Advantages
Zero Risk
Unlike standard positions, where things can go south when the market turns against you, protected trades are 100% safe from any adverse movement during the protection period.
Small Fee, Giant Peace of Mind
For a small fee, you can sleep better knowing your trades are safe no matter what direction the market goes.
No Withdrawal Restrictions
Any reimbursed losses will be credited to you in the form of liquid cash, with no withdrawal restrictions whatsoever.
Million Dollar Protection
With AvaProtect, you can receive protection of up to one million dollars. This allows even professional traders to take advantage of AvaTrade’s latest risk management feature.
Trade Bigger and Bolder
Using AvaProtect will allow you to make bigger and bolder trades, free from any worry or risk, thus offering you an opportunity to capitalise on the market’s full potential.
Still worried about losing on a position? Never worry again with AvaProtect.
Choose AvaProtect when executing your next trade and experience total peace of mind during the protection period.