When Art Becomes Life, Trade Pork Belly Futures!

When Art Becomes Life, Trade Pork Belly Futures!

One question, what does the utterly hilarious movie Trading Places, with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, have in common with AvaTrade? Pork Belly Futures, that’s what. We have been motivated by this excellent film from the 1980’s to bring you some of the most happening futures that exist today.

From now on you will be able to trade the following new additions to our asset list:

  • Orange Juice Futures
  • Lean Hogs Futures
  • Live Cattle Futures

If you have learned how to invest in commodities and short selling from movies like Trading Places (not the best idea), then this one is most definitely for you.

You can trade these new instruments on the MetaTrader 5 platform, through our proprietary WebTrader and through the AvaTrade App.

A life lesson for us all?

The film is based around a two-bit con man that has been plucked from the streets and turned into a successful commodity trader, by placing him in the right environment. In this film, arguably one of the best financial films made of all time, you can learn lessons about life and cleaning up in the orange juice market! Put that knowledge to work by trading our new Futures instruments now.

A parting note

“In this building, it’s either kill or be killed. You make no friends in the pits and you take no prisoners. One minute you’re up half a million in soybeans and the next, boom, your kids don’t go to college and they’ve repossessed your Bentley.”