Tax Identification Number (TIN)

The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier issued by government tax authorities to individuals and organizations to track tax obligations and payments. TIN formats vary across countries and may include letters, digits, symbols, or combinations of these elements. Depending on the jurisdiction, a TIN might be known by different names, such as the National Insurance Number (NIN), Social Security Number (SSN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), or Personal Identification Number (PIN).For AvaTrade, providing your TIN is a regulatory requirement. This information is essential to comply with international financial regulations and ensure accurate tax reporting.You can typically find your TIN on various official documents, depending on the issuing country. For example, in the UK, the TIN is referred to as the National Insurance Number (NIN) and can be located on payslips, P60s, letters regarding tax, pensions, and benefits, or within your personal tax account.If you are unsure of your TIN, it’s recommended to consult your local tax authority for assistance.For examples of TIN formats by country, please refer to the table below.

Country TIN Example TIN known as TIN Format Where can it be found / Comments